Here are the answers to some of our most popular questions:

How do I get started?

Simply give us a call, or fill out the information form and we will contact you directly.

What services do you offer?

We offer a wide variety of services, including: pet sitting/walking, daily feeding, transportation, administration of medication, as well as house sitting – we will even pick up your mail and newspaper.

What areas do you service?

We service the Great Kansas City Area. If you aren’t sure if that includes you – please send us your address and we will verify.

What pets do you care for?

Dogs, cats, birds, fish and yes – we have even cared for ferrets. The list is endless.

What are your rates?

We have very competitive rates. Please see our services and fees page for a more detailed list. 

How do I pay for service?

Payment for services will be discussed at our first meeting.

If you have a question that we did not cover, please do not hesitate to contact us!